Abandon all hope, ye who enters here!

We are the future of the Kindred!
"I wanna be Anarchy!!"
-Sex Pistols, Anarchy in the UK
"So called facts are fraud
They want us to allege and pledge
And bow down to their God
Lost the Culture, the culture Lost
Spun our minds and through time
Ignorance has taken over
We gotta take the power back!"
-rage against the machine, Take the Power Back
This page written by
Anarky Xx

The Camarilla are nothing but a bunch of Nazi's!!!!!! They hide behind
their traditions when they kill Kindred, and take over a city in a Princes
name!! They squash the human rights that we had lived with during life.
It seems when you die, you no longer posess the same rights as when you
were living!!! The Justicars are the death sqaud commanders that oppress
the Kindred society. Did we vote for them!!Do they derive their autority
from the masses?!! NO!!! So we must take them down and take them down hard.
It is time for the Kindred to rise up and break the chains of slavery and
destroy their elder masters and reerect society the way it should be!! No
laws to oppress, but mutual respect and FREEDOM!!!
This page is a bastion of freedom for Anarchs. It contains many usefull
ideas and links for Anarchs so they can better fulfill the mission of defeating
the Justicars. You might have stumbled here looking for the Old CLan Tzimisce
Page. I am still Old Clan Tzimisce, but I have come to a moment of clarity
and decided to devote my unlife to freeing Kindred society from the Nazi
tendencies of the Camarilla. So enjoy your stay and have FUN!!!!
Post graffitti
to the Anarch guestbook.
View the graffitti
painted on the Walls in the Guestbook.
Interesting Tidbits.
Popular Myths Told by the Camarilla
- The Antediluvians are coming!
- Your elders know whats best!
- Traditions don't oppress the masses
- The Prince has power.
Links to Anarchy sites
(This is for entertainment purposes only. Use these sites to aquiant
yourself with how an anarchist feels and thinks. Do not try these things
at home kiddies.)
Clan Links
Grouped by Sect and listed in order of who is cool and who isn't.
- They think that they are the future. Well when your into shadows
I suppose you can. Lasombra
- They are bad, very bad. Actually they are fun to laugh at. Tzimisce
Camarilla and others
- They don't like authority either, its just that they don't like
to talk about it. Gangrel
- They don't bother us, and we pay them for information. Great relationship.
- They are the closest to us in ideas but they don't want to take
the final step. Brujah
- They do Cool Palor tricks. Ravnos
- If you can get one paranoid enough they will join you. Malkavian
- They are evil serpents but "The enemy of my enemy is maybe
my friend." Setites
- I don't like them. They are to coherent a clan. Tremere
- They don't give a crap about us until we break a statue. Toreador
- They are the establishment that we fight against. Ventrue
How the Anarchs get their info.
The webmaster does not convey a challange to the tradmarks of
White Wolf and any other companies, individuals, countries, or planets with
this page. He is solely doing it for fun and information. If people do not
want their info here in this page, then email me before you call teh opressive
US Government or even a lawyer. (You know they charge for that intial consultation).
People have opened their minds a little
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